Tag Archives: Call of duty

Initial impressions: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

8 Nov

By Salmaan Saleem

Could this game be the end of the series???

Will other COD fans be disappointed by the same product with only new maps?

Every previous game in the COD series has had that new christmas present feel to it, MW3 however lacks that. The subtle sound effects, tweaks to the movement, the HUD notifications system (HNS), the feel of the weapons; they all seem lazily identical to MW2. It feels as though they’ve copied and pasted everything from MW2 but gone through £40 worth of effort  solely making new maps, which is probably a fair price according to their valuation of map packs.

I speak of course about the most important aspect of the game, the reason why Call Of Duty has done so well, the online multipayer. We were told this would be designed to end camping, however the endless folds in the walls and monochrome rendering seem to be at odds with this aspiration.

Although it may seem like a relatively minor aspect, the theme music of Black Ops really whet the appetite; the new tinny music is a poor update.

Previous game franchises, PES springs here to mind, have been punished for failing to keep up with competitors and releasing new games with very little changes to previous editions.

The question for the COD series is whether this newest version is sufficiently different from previous versions for punters to keep coming back for more of the same old gameplay with a few minor changes not worth the hefty price tag.

By the by, I say the above having played every game in the series (gamertag: Moody Buoy).